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Writer's pictureCoach Fred Blumenberg

Power Your Way Through the Rest of 2020

So many people want to cancel 2020. STOP IT. Don't allow yourself to get weak like them - GET STRONG - LET'S GO!!!

2020 is the biggest mental challenge FOR EVERYONE. Literally - EVERYONE on planet earth is going through the same mental challenges.


On OCT 15, 2018, I was in a hospital bed waiting to have surgery on my left knee. I was in the most excruciating pain that a human being could be in. I thought my lower leg would need to be amputated.

Not even kidding.

I had a knee infection. I don’t know how I got it but at that very moment, I was in the hospital and I needed emergency surgery to remove it. Talk about life stopping all at once. 

All I cared about was my leg. Then I wanted to make sure I could walk again. Then I wanted to know if my leg would bend. With my life moving at the speed of light, I suddenly realized the importance of having the right mindset. 

You see, I began my entrepreneur journey in OCT 2015. I’d been working towards my purpose since then so I wasn't worried about needing to take days off or “oh my God, how am I going to get through this.”

My mindset was already made up. These were my thoughts: 

  • I’ll get through this. 

  • It’s just another obstacle to conquer. 

  • What will I learn from this? 

  • I must stay and increase my positivity and surround myself with people who love and care about me.

  • I must document this story so others can learn from my AUTHENTIC journey. 

What I want you to learn from this article are 3 key mindset points:

I NEVER ALLOWED MYSELF TO GO INTO VICTIM MODE. There were some dark days in the hospital. Trust me, you can only watch so much TV, get your blood drawn so many times and sleep in that God-awful uncomfortable hospital bed before you become drawn into the Twilight Zone of the victim mentality. 

The hardest part is to remain positive but I recited a daily affirmation that I’d been doing since I began my entrepreneur journey: "I’m going to kick Life’s motherfucking ass."

EVERYDAY. I’d recite that saying until I believed it. When I was in a hospital bed, it was no different. 

I want you to have a daily affirmation that you either read, recite or review before you get your day started. It’s supposed to set the objective of what you plan to do with today.

I ALWAYS MADE SURE TO THINK AHEAD. It wasn’t about what happened to me and how, why and what if’s. It was all about what I need to do next. PERIOD. 

I was always looking forward to the next thing that I need to attack to better my situation. Simple. 

I gathered the information and then made a plan to achieve success. Literally. Once I had surgery, I asked how long the recovery would be. I always asked “what’s next.” Yes, of course I wanted to be back to 100% but this wasn’t about what I wanted, it was about what I NEEDED. 

Everything was black and white. It wasn’t about my feelings and emotions, it was about my will to create success no matter what. 

I didn’t care about having the perfect plan or making mistakes with rehab, etc. I just cared about making the next move and taking action quickly.

MOST IMPORTANTLY, THIS IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD. My knee infection may have been life altering but it wasn’t the end of the world. I needed to remain calm and focused on getting back to “normal.” It took our family about six months to get back to “normal.” 

When I was released from the hospital, I was in a world of physical pain. Easy tasks became enormous challenges for me. Watch the video below that I made a month after my surgery.

Ad bad as it got, I had MANY MOMENTS when I told myself, “it’s NOT going to end like this. I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED.”

You literally get to a point where you either stand up and fight back like you’re cornered in a cage or you sit there and take the beating.

Today, I still can’t bend my left knee beyond 95° flexion. I still have minor annoying pain and I still sleep with a pillow between my knees. 

But guess what, … I don’t walk with a limp, I don’t complain about my situation and I can stand up y’all knowing that I came through like a beast. 

My mindset saved me. I wouldn’t be writing this and we would be talking about something totally different if my head wasn’t trained to be victorious. 

I want you to have the same mindset right now. Whatever storm you’re currently going through right now, I want you to attack it like you're in a cage and you have no way out. 

You’re not running away from this one. You’re fighting your way OUT. 

The question is…. 

Are you ready to fight to WIN?

Stop just fighting. Fight for a purpose. When you find your purpose, you NEVER get tired. 

It’s time to stop being tired and fight with a purpose. 

Stay positive,


Do you need motivation to get started? Get 101 of my best quotes EVER that will get you motivated to move (FAST)! ⤵️⤵️⤵️⤵️


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